Much has transpired since my last entry. On April 12, 13, and into the morning of April 14 I was in Georgia. My journey there served many purposes and had some interesting outcomes. There were several reasons that I wanted to take the trip. Firt and foremost, it was to meet the man behind the words. It was well worth the journey to meet him. He exuded such a radiant light and I immediately felt connected to him. You will see great things come from him and it fills my heart to know he will make a difference.
Secondly, I needed to get back in touch with nature. I've been in the box, in the city for so long, I stopped looking at what was around me. I'm surrounded by nature where I live, but over time it blended into the rest of the scenery around me and I closed my eyes. Though I didn't get to venture into the heart of the Okefenokee Swamp, I felt it's beauty and it's amazing presence. I wanted very much to drift down the river and marvel at what natures provides that so many try to destroy. Circumstances did not bring that about, however the exposure I did get gave me such a sense of peace. It was truely beautiful.
Third, I needed to get away from the familiar surroundings and responsibilities like work, home, being mom, and being discontent. I had a lot of time to think and assess what my life looked like to me. I didn't like what I saw. Changes are taking place as I write these words.
All in all my trip to Georgia was much needed, much appreciated, and very inspiring in many ways.
Tommorow I will be on my way to Missouri with an initial stop in Chicago. I'll be in Missouri for nine days for a writer's convention, though I see it more as a retreat. I've met these other writers in a website called Writers Cafe. It has had a fundamental impact on my life. It's where I met the amazing man I wrote about in the beginning of this blog, it's where I've met some incredible new friends that have become like family, and it's where I learned to spread my wings with my writing. We had the initial gathering in Encino, California in December of 2006, the second in NYC, and now this one in Missouri.
My belief from this artist's heart is that this trip will bring everythng together as it should be. My wings are spread wide and I'm beginning to fly.