Monday, June 16, 2008

Slippery slide

I haven't stopped writing since I got back from Nashville. My brain is tired. Yesterday was the first day I just decided to be a vegetable. I sat in front of the damn tube for most of the day and felt guilty the whole time. Truth be told, I just needed to filter out some debris. I'm back at it again, and as suspected I just keep going deeper and deeper.

This project, Naked and Raw, has been profound in that the layers just keep coming off and it gets closer and closer to the core. My mind hasn't stepped out of this book since its inception in Nashville. It's a part of me in every respect, while working, sleeping, eating, reading, and every other function I'm involved in on a daily basis. I suppose I'm actually living the passion instead of thinking about it.

It's been said to be careful what you ask for, you just might get it. I asked, I got it, and there is no going back. Living within the layers of one's self is quite intoxicating and very exhausting. But, it's the most amazing revelation for me yet.