Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Still day one...(4/20/07)

So, I got to Chicago safely and the flight wasn't too bad. O'Hare is a hurge airport, but I made my way to the shuttle service and paid for my ride to the City (downtown). My arrival was awaited by my fellow travellers at the Intercontinental Hotel and I was definately eager,to get there. After being dropped of at the hotel, the elevator couldn't move fast enough to get me to the 24th floor. As the door was opened and I entered the room, I saw familiar faces along with a couple of new ones. The exhiliration of spending time with old and new friends sent rushes through me.

The plan was to stop for something to eat and then head to the studio to do some recording. I was nervous about that since I read like I have a stick up my butt. Gotta learn to relax. So, eventually with everyone excited about the evening, we headed out for some real Chicago style food. Hot dogs with the fixins'. I'd heard you couldn't get them anywhere else like you could in Chicago. It was really cold, coming from Florida I'm sure my teeth were chattering a bit more than others! We stopped at a roadside and ordered our dogs loaded, then headed to the studio. A guy we'd met, I'll call him Z, was definately an interesting character. He was a free spirit if I've ever seen one. Livin' life like life should be lived, free and doing what he loved to do.

It was pretty late by the time we got to the studio and the people I met there were by far and inspiration to continue crawling out of the box I've been living in for so long. They were real people, with real lives, and more in touch with reality than the people I've had to associate with on a regular basis for so long. It was refreshing to say the least. We commenced wolfing down our hotdogs, which were amazing, and just chatted, getting to know each other. The stress and strain of daily ho-hum, humdrum existence got checked at the door, and I got to be me. How refreshing, liberating, and totally eye opening.

It was well after midnight before we got started with the recording and that was an amazing experience, I'll share in the next posting.